About Me
About Me
Hi, and welcome to AndrewsAffiliateToolbox.SiteRubix.com.
Andrew’s Affiliate Toolbox is here to chronicle my journey through the Affiliate BootCamp of WealthyAffiliate.com.
It has been a little over twelve years since I started my first blog CreativeMythology It grew out of a fascination I had with mythology at the time and how it fit with the personal development arena I was exploring at the time.
I tried monetizing it but somehow the ads that came didn’t seem compatible with the content I was producing so I removed the ads and just kept adding content that sat well with what I was trying to do with the site.
Fast forward eight years and I’m introduced to affiliate marketing and I imagine this could be the answer to monetization. At the time I’m struggling with motivation and believe this is the opportunity to really develop some traction online using motivation as a niche.
Only trouble is I’m dabbling, I’m the guy who came to the swimming pool to swim, I see all the other swimmers in the pool and I sit on the edge of the pool and just dip my toes in. I’d picked up a few skills along the way and could maintain a presence in the Wealthy Affiliate forums helping out here and there. I started well with posts and then my interest would wane. I started another site and same thing. A few posts and then….
Yes, I was that guy who was helping other members from the side of the pool. And perhaps the entrepreneur side of Wealthy Affiliate isn’t my piece. After creating some content for another of my websites WhatILearnedBy.com I realized that all the personal and professional development courses I have done over the years could be particularly relevant to marketers endeavouring to get an online affiliate business launched.
My mission now is to create a site that not only facilitates a learning process for aspiring affiliate marketers wanting to set their own website, but also provide other tools to assist them if their motivation and productivity begins to fall away
If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.
All the best,
Andrew Michael Challies